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When we are able to connect to our true creative nature, the possibilities are limitless.

So much of how all of us operate is based on how we are 'supposed' to be. For a long time, this works for us. We think it's good. We're rewarded as children and then as adults for being good, for following the rules, for going with the flow.

For many of us there comes a point where 'being good' is no longer enough. There is a longing, a sense that there must be something more than this. We re not satisfied by our careers, our home life, our friends or our hobbies any longer.

We come to this realization and then the fear sets in. The stories about how we'll never earn an income if we do what we really want to do. That our partner won't love us if we change or that we'll never find a partner if we aren't fitting in and doing what's right.

Whatever story comes up for you when you think about giving up on the things that are no longer serving you are just that....stories.

When we are able to connect to our true creative nature, the possibilities are limitless.

You feel stuck because it's your programming, not your authentic self that has been making all of the decisions. You feel limited because it's your imprinting telling you how you think you should operate cutting you off from a wealth of creativity and wisdom. Your defenses keep you compromised, showing up in a way that takes energy from you and keeps people and opportunities away from you.

You see when we can honor how we authentically show up in the world, when we know how our defenses, pretenses and imprinting hold us back. When we can do the healing we need to around these patterns and start showing up in our primary creative energy a whole world of possibilities opens up to us with ease.

I know it sounds too good to be true. It takes work and an honest look at yourself to get there, but I promise it's so worth it.

When you are so sure of how you show up in the world, how you communicate, how you make decisions, what is your driving mission in this lifetime, nothing can hold you back. When you are taking action and making decisions from that 'good girl/boy, just fit in' space, it's exhausting. Everything takes effort. When you are taking action and making decisions from an authentic and creative space you have Aliveness, energy and effortless drive.

It really is that simple.

I want you to have a life that is fulfilling, full of Aliveness and ease. The Emergent Coaching work does exactly that. We look at 15 compatibility factors and then dive into each one so that you can get to know yourself without the shoulds, the parental influences, the false ways you think you need to be. Giving you freedom to be you again.

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