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We can't do this alone


From a young age, we are taught to 'be a good girl/boy'. We are punished for our emotions that fall outside of an acceptable spectrum. Too happy? Settle down. Too angry? Go to your room.

It's no wonder that as adults we feel like we're alone in navigating our emotions.

I'm here to tell you that you're not alone.

More than that, I'm here to help you learn how to love those really big emotions. To bring them to the surface. To shine light on them so they are a welcomed tool rather than something you need to hide.

Often, it is our big emotions, those that we were taught to hide as children, that are leading us to where we need to be. Leading us to what we are being called to do in this lifetime.

Being human is hard and I think it's impossible to do it alone. I'm a recovering perfectionist and complete introvert, two qualities that left me thinking most of my life that I had to do it by myself. It took me a long time to learn that I didn't have to do this thing we call life alone.

Being brave, or at least attempting to be brave, and allowing our messy selves to be seen by others is one of the quickest way to back to our wholeness. When we can see that others accept the parts of ourselves that we deem unlovable, we begin to accept our wholeness and healing as a real thing.

When we work together, not only are ALL of your emotions welcomed, they are encouraged. Angry? Yell about it. Yes, we can yell in our sessions together. Sad? Cry....get that ugly tears and snot running down your face cry out. You are still loved, still accepted.

It can be hard to navigate our shadow side (the part of us that we try to hide) by ourselves. It's the monster that we've been running from our whole lives. I don't think we're meant to navigate our shadow by ourselves. Its another lie that the shadow tells us to keep us small and separated. You see, when we have someone on our side, that can help us shine light on our shadow, it no longer has power. The only way it has power is when you think you have to do it alone.

We have seen in our recent past, specifically with the COVID-19 pandemic, how much more light we have to share when we work together. The ironic thing, most of us were in a shelter in place, forced to be alone and yet we still found ways to work together to bring light and joy into the world.

You're not expected to do this alone. Let's work together and help you shine light on your shadow so it becomes a tool you love, not something you hide and shame yourself for.

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