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Unlocking Your Child's Potential: The Power of Understanding Their Natal Chart


They say kids don’t come with an instruction manual. But they do.

We all do……it's your natal chart. The placement of the planets at the time of your birth.

Your natal chart is your blueprint and tells us about how you show up in the world, where your gifts are and what you need to feel supported and free to be yourself.

a young girl turning toward the camera with a radiant smile sitting at a school table with other children

Wouldn’t it be great to know your kids instruction manual? Your partners? Your own?

I agree....when I first started studying astrology I still felt that it was pretty woo-woo. Something that was more like a party trick.

The more I've worked with astrology I've realized that this is a system that can be an incredible tool to support our authentic growth and development.

How would your relationship with your kids change if you knew how and where they needed to hold their boundaries? Instead of being annoyed or frustrated with their stubbornness, you can now support them with tools. You see this as an authentic expression of their being rather than defiance.

What about where they are going to experience struggles? Wouldn't it feel good as a parent to have some heads up on what challenges your child may face and what themes are likely to show up for them in their life?

Or how your child gives and receives love? What you can say or do to really fill that bucket. Not guess, not just do what works for you, but know what works for them and be able to meet them there?

How would parenting change if you had this information? How much more confident, present or calm would you feel if you had access to this information? To understand your child's instruction manual as well as your own offers a gift of being seen unlike anything else.

Knowing how your natal chart works along with your child's chart and your partners allows for so much more grace when things are rough. There is so much more acceptance and less need to change and fix things.

There is a celebration, even when you're not seeing eye to honoring that you and they are showing up exactly as they were meant to. Authentically and aligned.....what more could you want for your kids?

Schedule your family natal chart reading today.

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