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The question behind the question


Updated: Dec 17, 2024

a circular table with plants placed in a cross and small berries on the outside of the table to create a medicine wheel

I sat with five amazing Mothers yesterday. Mothers at different places in their motherhood journey. Some with littles, some with kiddos out of the house and everything in between. But all Mothers doing deep inner work.

We came to answer the question......what do I need to surrender?

I knew they had all come with an idea of what they needed to surrender. I encouraged them to leave that knowing and search for the KNOWING.

I asked them to answer the question behind the question.

If you need to let go of what you thought your motherhood journey (or whatever journey you are on) would look like then what do you need to do to surrender that? And then what do you need to do to surrender that? And that? And that? And on and on until they came to the core. KNOWING that this one thing was the thing to surrender.

We explored what it was like to surrender what we thought mothering would be like. What we thought family would look like with littles. What it meant to step into the highest version of ourselves. We explored who we could be as women, not only mothers. What it could mean to show up for ourselves first and our partners and kids next.

It was powerful to witness and be witnessed.

Surrender at it's core means to give back. To surrender is to give back the parts of your being that don't serve you. That hold you back. The parts of you that you have created an identity with to be liked and loved, to be successful.

Surrender is the first in the four holotropic spaces. The spaces you move through to feel whole and connected to the truth of who you are without the things, ideas, beliefs, habits that have falsely made up who you are.

You have to first surrender these things to make space and get curious about what life could look like.

Surrendering often feels like free falling. What will life look like? What will I look like? Will my partner, friends, kids, parents, co-workers, still like me if I surrender this thing that I have falsely believed about myself? Who will I be without this thing?

It takes trust in yourself to surrender. To just let go. And its so worth it.

What can you surrender today? What false belief or habit are you ready to let go of?

If you're a mama living in Northern Colorado join us for our next Numinous Mamas cacao circle.

You can also sign up to work with me one on one for a Private Cacao or Cannabis ceremony.

Don't live worries. This is why I love astrology. Schedule a Natal Chart reading to look at how you are supported by the universe (literally) to shed the layers of conditioning and reconnect to your true expression.


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