Herbs are so important and helpful when we are talking about sugar season, I mean, cold and flu season.
As we move towards the solstice, we inevitably don't get enough sunshine, movement, fresh air and we eat so. much more sugar. We typically are running around in a way that is more aligned with summer energy than winter slowness. It's no wonder we find ourselves sick.
Sometimes it's hard to know which herbs to start with. When I first started studying plant medicine I oscillated between having analysis paralysis and not buying anything to buying WAY too much.
I'm going to walk you through the five herbs that have the greatest impact for winter colds and flu AND all the ways you can use them.
If you want to dive deeper you can purchase my online course Herbal Remedies for Flu season and learn about a vitalistic approach to being sick, create a plan for how to support you and loved ones before, during and after your sick. This course include vitamin and mineral supplements, clear information on how to manage fevers, detailed instructions on cold sock treatments as well as information on 18 herbs and 10 recipes for teas and tinctures that you can make at home
A note to get started. You can purchase herbs at your local apothecary. If you don't have a local apothecary I like to purchase from Mountain Rose Herbs. Always make sure the medicinal herbs you are purchasing are organic. You don't want to concentrate pesticides into your teas or tinctures.
Okay....let's get started.
Nettle is great to take all year long, I like to use it in an infusion for it's high mineral content. Nettle is rich in iron, protein, chlorophyll, vitamin C, potassium, silicic acid (silica), and calcium. When we are sick our body is depleted of minerals faster than when we are healthy.
Here is an easy nettle infusion recipe and a deeper dive into it's benefits.
This is your Vitamin C go to. We always hear we need to take Vitamin C when we're sick but do you know why? Vitamin C helps to clear out old cells and replace new ones quicker, it can reduce the duration and severity of upper respiratory tract infections, protects you against environmental toxins, protects the healthy proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your body which you need to maintain health, stimulates white blood cell production. Um yes.....more please!!
Read here for a Rosehip tea recipe.
Not only is chamomile a mild relaxant it has immunostimulant properties as well. Chamomile has specific antimicrobial properties for the upper respiratory tract (think sinuses, larynx and upper lungs). I especially like chamomile to treat what I call a heat excitation tissue state. The most obvious expression of this tissue state is.....a fever!! Chamomile is particularly helpful when the illness is accompanied by a fussy or whiny little one (or a fussy grown up).
I really dive into the benefits of Chamomile and have a simple recipe for Chamomile tea here.
Also known as Sambucus. Elderberry helps to resolve the congestion you experience from excessive mucous production specifically in the upper respiratory tract like in cases of sinusitis or hay fever. Helps to open and drain congestion in the respiratory tract. Cleanse the lymphatics, capillaries and the blood.
Click here to make your own Elderberry Syrup at home. It's so easy. This recipe will usually last our family of three all winter long.
Astragalus goes into our winter routine and stays there. Because it is best used over time to strengthen immune system and not as great for acute illness, we try and sneak this woody tasting herb into just about anything we can. Think of adding it to soups and stews or broths. It is an immunostimulant, giving you greater resistance to anything that may cross your path. After an illness, astragalus is a wonderful restorative - restores what Chinese medicine calls chi in the body. Basically it helps you avoid getting sick and when you do it can help you feel better sooner.
So there is your winter apothecary. These five herbs can go a long way. For the ultimate deep dive click here to get Herbal Remedies for Flu season (coming soon!) Click on the link below and email me if you want to be notified when it goes on sale.
As always.....please reach out or schedule a curiosity call if you have ANY questions.